Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why should I rent a Florida Villa

Our first visit to Florida was back in the early 90's. We stayed in one of the local hotels in Lake Beuna Vista. The hotel was very nice but was also very expensive, not only for the accommodation fees but also for the food.

The big draw back for us was the lack of Privacy. Communal pool, communal gym, communal games rooms etc. Florida is a beautiful place but this just didn't do it for me.

I worked all year for this holiday and I just wanted a bit more than the hotel could offer.

The following year we booked our first Florida villa. I was so nervous about parting with my money to a stranger that i arranged to meet the villa owner personally. My apprehension was totally unfounded. The owner was very genuine and reassured me that the villa would be ready and more than I expected.

The reassurance came when he said " Yes you are parting with your money - some £700, but I am trusting you with my home - some $300,000 worth. So the trust is on both sides!

Most owners rent out their home to subsidise the cost of maintaining their villa for themselves to enjoy during their holiday.

Needless to say we had a fantastic trip and the villa was more than I expected.

The pool with separate Hot Tub was just luxury and completely private. The kids could just jump in and out and we didn't have to worry about the noise or disturbing anyone.

Over the following years we have stayed at several villas in various areas of the state and would just not even consider staying in anything else.

I am not just a villa convert I have also set up a successful business advertising Florida villa rentals

So check it out and book that villa.


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